Welcome to Classic Cubs!
We have been in operation since May 2007 and are based at Te Kowhai Airfield (NZTE) just North of Hamilton, New Zealand. We offer a broad range of services including ab initio training, PPL, CPL, Instructor Training, Tailwheel Ratings, Aircraft Hire, Biennial Flight Reviews, Mountain Flying Training, strip training and we also offer "You Fly" tours. We train pilots from the start of their flying journey to Instructor Rating. We can also train you in your own microlight or General Aviation aircraft.
Please browse around this site where you will find a range of information and be sure to have a look through our fantastic photo gallery! If you have comments or questions or simply need more information and want to contact us, click on the contact button on any page within this site.
Visit our Facebook page for updates, photos, and other interesting posts!
Thanks for visiting and we look forward to meeting you!